Life guess wats is it???? is eternal, love its immortal devoid of of the physical distance just a pure connection of two immortal souls.... and death is only the horizon.
i was standing in the seashore watching the snow white waves against the silvery blue of the sky, and there at a far distance i saw a ship spreading her white sails to the morning breeze and there starting for its destination "the blue ocean".she is an object of beauty and strength..she represented the the powerhouse atlas bearing the weight which wants to cross the infinite ocean. i stood and watched her until at length she became a speck of white cloud on the horizon.just at that point where the sea and the ocean merges into one.
just then someone standing next to me " hey there shes gone"
its just that shes gone from my sight.. that is all.she is just as large in most and hull and spar when she left my side. And she is just as able to bear her load of living freight to her destined part .she has diminished in size for me, not for herself
and just at that when ssomeone on my side say "hey shes gone"...there the other eyes watching her coming says "heyy here she comes"
and thats dying...the person just goes away from ur vision buh emerges for someone one else who need her more than you(.might be)....
our loved ones never dye they just go to some other ppl who needs them more..coz they are indeed the most needed poeple in this entire universe
{ i know u are there wid someone else very alive ,smiling as u always did with me}